UFO sightings have been reported for decades, particularly since the famous 1947 Kenneth Arnold sighting from which the term "Flying saucer" was coined. The alleged Roswell incident followed shortly afterwards. It seemed there were UFO sightings everywhere.
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January 7, 1948, a P-51 Mustang piloted by Captain Thomas Mantell becomes Ufologies first known fatality as he was reportedly shot down by a UFO.

Naturally these sightings got stranger with every report. Then came the contactee's of the 1950s. Contactee's of that time generally claimed they were abducted from this solar system. In a few cases, the alien visitors originated from the planet Venus. Then came the 1961 Barney and Betty hill abduction account. The Hills claimed they learned their alien abductors were from a nearby sun like star known as Zeta Reticuli. A star which has a companion star, both about 40 light years from our solar system. This account made national headlines. Today's abduction cases are also not surprisingly, replete with sexual molestation and medical tortures. These cases seem to reflect what has been seen in earthly news stories about sexual abuse since the 1970s.

The actual evidence for visitations and subsequent abductions by alien beings in UFOs is weak at best. This despite numerous eyewitness reports of sightings and abductions. the eyewitness reports are usually accompanied by little or no physical evidence. Little evidence that most likely has an earthly explanation. So what would alien beings do...or what are they likely to do if visiting Earth? How can we presume to know what they would do? Perhaps a reverse scenario may shed some light as to how aliens might visit the Earth if they are anything like us at all. How would humanity do it if humans were as advanced as alleged UFO sightings suggest.
Given what we know about the world's human space flight efforts, the two key words that characterize them, "Difficult, and expensive" is the reason that only three Nations and a single, well financed private individual have sent people into space so far. Two of them, China and a US company called Scaled Composites have only recently done so. Knowing how difficult and expensive our own human space flight efforts have been will help shed some light on why it could be a similar problem to alien beings. In general, a reverse scenario might help one to better understand what an alien race could encounter to make the light-years long journey, again if they are anything like us.
For this reverse scenario, some basic assumptions are made:
That UFOs are developed and crewed by physical beings from Other worlds, not from the center of our world or some astral plane. They would have to be at least several centuries ahead of us to travel from a world in orbit around even the nearest star system, Alpha Centauri. Proxima Centauri is the star nearest to our Sun and is thought to be part of the Alpha Centauri system but probably not suitable for intelligent life as we know it.
The above assumption also presumes there are no advanced beings dwelling on any of the planets within our own solar system given what we know about these planets. It is also assumed that an earthlike world has been discovered orbiting Alpha Centauri. A star system close enough to make the journey relatively practical.
These beings have life spans similar to ours but somewhat longer which would be consistent with their medical technology assuming they had advanced along the same lines as their space travel capability.
The laws of physics being universal as best we know so far, these beings would be limited to the speed of light. This limitation would probably apply for at least a century or more, perhaps millennia.
The universality of physical laws as we understand them so far, also suggest that alien beings are probably similar to us and evolved technically in a manner similar to us. That is, an earth like world probably developed around a sun like star. The sun like star could be a binary or multiple as opposed to a single star system such as ours. The earthlike world is stable long enough for intelligent beings to develop to the point of technological advancement. One indication that the aliens allegedly visiting Earth are apparently not that far ahead of us is that they have not figured out how to avoid crashing their vehicles (Roswell, Kecksburg other alleged UFO crashes). This also reinforces the idea that if there are intelligent beings visiting earth, they are indeed similar to us. Of course, there is no direct astronomical evidence as yet to support the above earthlike world evolutionary hypothesis. Having said that, why would an advanced race of beings come to Earth to basically play. That is, make crop circles, hover in front of eyewitnesses, kidnap unsuspecting humans from fishing boats, trailer parks you name it, and use them as pin cushions and kinky sex experiments. Zip around at fantastic speeds and fly away then repeatedly return for more of the same.

The sheer difficulty of actually making the journey, including the difficulties of actually traveling at light speed. Not to mention the acceleration and propellant problems which would logically require an interstellar mission to have a well defined mission beyond light shows, abductions, and crop circles. Even with a propulsion breakthrough, interstellar travel would probably be limited to nearby star systems until multigenerational interstellar craft became available. Intergalactic travel would still be considered a distant dream. Consider that for a multigenerational human expedition aboard a colony class star ship, at the speed of light, this ship and successive crews would be required to last over two million years just to reach the next nearest Galaxy, Andromeda. Modern human civilization has only been around for roughly ten thousand years. In order to better understand just how a realistic UFO visit might occur, consider the scenario outlined below:
Here is a chronological look at how such a situation could come about. The key difference in this scenario is that we are the alien visitors to an earthlike world populated by beings less advanced than ourselves.
A new space telescope, the "G. Bruno Space Telescope Complex", images the first earthlike world detected outside our solar system. This world is designated "Alpha Centauri Planet-1" (ACP-1).
SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) instruments have been monitoring ACP-1 since it was discovered in 2035. The SETI survey of ACP-1 has detected a primitive radio signal emanating from ACP-1. The signal is the product of a race of beings who have just invented television. This puts them roughly a century behind Earthly humanity.
The detection of these random television like signals is announced worldwide after careful review and peer confirmation worldwide. Note the timeline from first contact to this event. Prior to 2039, secrecy would probably be applied. The reason for secrecy is so that the scientific community can be absolutely certain of what they have before going public.
Evidence and confirmations in hand, the worldwide scientific community announces that contact with an alien intelligence at ACP-1 has taken place.
Some of the data received on Earth is discovered to be imagery of the species making contact and selected images of their world.
The process of full confirmation and data reduction, now well underway begins to establish an understanding of what has been detected. For example, are these beings a possible threat to humanity?
By now, it has been confirmed that this species is similar to us meaning they have military capabilities that will require us to factor into any future plans to visit them. Though they are similarly warlike in there basic nature, their technical quantum leap comes not from a world war, but from increasing technical assistance transmitted from Earth. Many on earth ask, do the beings on ACP-1 see us as Gods?
Earth transmits a series of messages announcing who we are, and that we intend to visit their world early next century, of course, explaining our calendar system among many other things.
ACP-1 is now advanced enough to decipher and understand our message in part because we eliminated most of the translation process by transmitting back in their language and frequencies.
As we begin to develop practical interstellar travel technology, resulting in large part from the ACP-1 contact, it is decided there will be an expedition to ACP-1 in the early 22nd century. A message to this effect is transmitted to ACP-1, effectively asking for permission to visit.
ACP-1 says yes. Communications continue, Earth giving general details about what to expect. We come in peace as explorers and that certain precautions will be taken such as a thorough examination as to whether the two species can safely interact without spreading catastrophic diseases. This could be accomplished by Earths advanced understanding of the human genome, and the alien genome or equivalent once the expedition gets to ACP-1. Subsequent messages transmit details of the planned expedition.
Starship Centauri departs for ACP-1 which has advanced to the point where we were in about 2035 thanks in part to some limited technical assistance.
Starship Centauri assumes a nearly circular orbit around Alpha Centauri "A" at a distance of about 4 billion miles from the star and the planet ACP-1. Three landers are dispatched to assume circular orbits about a thousand miles above ACP-1. Detailed data acquisition begins before anyone is sent to the surface of ACP-1. The genomes of both human and alien are compared and it is determined that there could be some disease transfer capability. The lander medical teams devise treatments for the identified diseases.
Contact is made between ACP-1 beings and humans from Earth at a place designated by ACP-1 as its equivalent of a United Nations. This can be accomplished without crop circle construction and/or other illogical activities.
Proceed to part II
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